Friday 6 April 2012

Episode 2: Hell hath no Fury

The first thing that struck me about this episode was the notion of biblical literacy. At the outset, I figured that GCB would include some pretty ingenious scriptural references, although I have been impressed with the manner in which scripture is used to reveal the subtle nuances of the belles character.

Take for example Amanda. The exchange with Carlene over the interpretation of "Jesus take the Wheel" was priceless (Not to mention the fact that Carlene sang "Jesus take the wheel"!) After the initial exchange regarding the appropriateness of such a song being sung as a tribute to her, Amanda reveals that she is has quite the capacity for theology. Her statement that the song expresses how "Jesus steers us through the tough times of life", along with the correct application of Philippians 4:13, shows that there me more going on in Amanda's heart and soul than she cares to admit. Earlier, when referring to Carlene as a 'Pharisee', Gigi remarks 'Well someone has been reading their New Testament', Amanda replies "No I just googled Hypocrite.' Given Amanda's aptitude toward proof-texting (or 'out-Christianing' as the Belle's refer to it), one has to wonder if this is the case. Also, did you catch that Amanda 'enjoys' going to church.

And did you notice the liturgical colour was red. I wonder what they were celebrating. Was it Pentecost? A Saints day? And where is the preacher!

The other prominent scripture for this episode is Proverbs 31. The show actually opens with this reference as Ripp attempts to persuade Carlene to go to church after being humiliated by Amanda. Ripp, placing a Bible down on the bed, quotes Proverbs 31:10: "You are a virtuous woman, priceless beyond rubies." He nails it! Ripp correctly quotes one of the strongest passages of the Bible relating to the strength and honor of a woman. It is all the more interesting then, when he misquotes this verse at the end of the show. Near the close of the episode, when Ripp and Carlene are arguing about Booby-licious, Ripp again appeals to Proverbs 31with the words "The man is the head of the household.' Yet this is actually a reference to Ephesians 5:23: "the husband is the head of the wife" Does this mean that Ripp is simply a self-serving scripturalist? Is his faith simply a tool for manipulation?

And what of Carlene. Someone held up as the scriptural authority of the show would have definatley caught Ripp's mistake. Sure, she may not have been able to nail the reference, but some as biblically erudite as Carlene would definitely have been able to associate Ripp being in the wrong testament!

So maybe Carlene isn't the deep pilar of faith she makes herself to be? Maybe her Bible blog's, her hymnody ring-tones, and her John 3:16 bumper sticker is all for show. And yet then she does something surprising, which makes one question the overall shallowness of her character. When talk of the public humiliation of Amanda's daughter, it is Carlene alone who speaks up against this action. She is the one who is able to see how the group's infighting and petty behavior could be damaging for a future generation of Belles.

Just when you think you have someone figured out in the show, they reveal a side that illuminates a whole other depth of personality and character. The talk of Amanda's hurt over Gigi suggesting that she give up her children to adoption; Carlene painfully recounting the torment of Amanda and then declaring 'you were right, my skin was like the map of switzerland, my nose was like an idaho potato . . but I fixed all of it'; even Sharon's failed attempt to seduce Zack with fried food; all these instances highlight a level of brokenness in each character.

GCB could of have easily been about mean spirited woman who torment and berate each-other in the name of the church and Jesus. Yet even by the second episode, it is clear that is not what this show is. This show is about woman with deep wounds, wounds that manifest themselves in intriguing and interesting manners. It will be interesting to see how, and in what manner, healing comes to each Belle.

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